Ethiopian Music
05:15 Popular
Yared Negu – Adimera (Ethiopian Music Video)
Added 2,280 Views / 0 LikesEthiopia has a very strong popular music culture. In the multi-ethnic provinces of Ethiopia, the music is extremely diverse, with each of Ethiopia’s ethnic groups being associated with unique sounds. There is a very strong local scene mostly exposed
05:16 Popular
Selamawit Yohannes - Hanen (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,009 Views / 0 LikesSelamawit Yohannes - Hanen (Ethiopian Music)
04:03 Popular
Esubalew Yetayew - Photo Yinageral (Ethiopian Music)
Added 4,075 Views / 0 LikesEsubalew Yetayew - Photo Yinageral (Ethiopian Music) is a fast growing Ethiopian entertainment and sports website that was launched in September 2013. The site has over 800,000 social media followers, and received over a million page views
03:38 Popular
Mikaya Behailu - Akeme Sew (Ethiopian Music)
Added 1,785 Views / 0 LikesMikaya Behailu -Akeme Sew (Ethiopian Music) is a fast growing Ethiopian entertainment and sports website that was launched in September 2013. The site has over 800,000 social media followers, and received over a million page views per mont
05:04 Popular
Esubalew Yetayew - Tew (Ethiopian Music)
Added 2,777 Views / 0 LikesEsubalew Yetayew - Tew (Ethiopian Music) is a fast growing Ethiopian entertainment and sports website that was launched in September 2013. The site has over 800,000 social media followers, and received over a million page views per month.