Mirage Drama – Part 3 (Ethiopian Drama)
Mirage is a new Ethiopian Television serial drama created by Dereje Demele and directed by Tesfaye G/Mariam and Samuel Tesfaye that aired on Fana TV, and it is one of the best TV shows this season. From the latest cinematography technology used to the series's storyline and the great performance delivered by the cast, Mirage is the best of the drama.
Mirage might be the first drama series to clearly narrate and raise awareness about human trafficking in Ethiopia. Professional and amateur Ethiopian actors take roles in this series to perfectly paint the struggles of those who go through human trafficking.
Even though Ethiopian leaders, politicians, and intellects call for actions against human trafficking every day, their campaign has failed because only a few understand what it takes to hunt down the masterminds behind such inhuman crime.
Nowadays, Ethiopian series drama has become the most popular in Africa and an attractive industry for investors.