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Poem and Naration

Poem and Naration

  • 10:56 Popular Meron Getnet - Dhiisi (no bloodshed)

    Meron Getnet - Dhiisi (no bloodshed)

    by Hiwot TV Addis Added 1,338 Views / 0 Likes

    Meron Getnet is one of the outstanding actress and poets in Ethiopia. She is famous for poems with strong political agendas. Her controversial poem titled "Athid" put her on the spotlight as the poem directly criticized the past dictatorial leadership in

  • Popular Sheikh Hussien Jibril's prophecy about today's Ethiopia

    Sheikh Hussien Jibril's prophecy about today's Ethiopia

    by Hiwot TV Addis Added 9,888 Views / 0 Likes

    The famous Ethiopian prophesier of the future Sheikh Hussein Jibril lived in Ethiopia from 1811- 1908. The most unique thing about Sheikh Hussien's prophecies is that the prophecies are written in the poem. Most of his poems were predictions about the upc